Being one with what we declare and living up to the golden standards we proclaim
  • 26.10.2023

Being one with what we declare and living up to the golden standards we proclaim

I really like the resonance of the phrase “to walk the talk”. I truly believe in being one with what we declare and living up to the golden standards we proclaim.

However, sometimes in the business world, among the various service providers we encounter, are those, who are excellent at opening doors (or even pushing them open), but nothing beyond that.

I wonder how this anomaly can continue to exist or even thrive, when there is no substance to the grandiose pitch and in fact there is no or little value in the service.

Why do we tolerate such misalignment? It should be natural that we walk our talk and the values we proclaim, are deeply rooted in our life.

If I choose an agency to prepare my website, I look at the quality of the presentation they send through and their own website. Often the fee is not aligned to the quality they put out in the world.

If I choose to follow a health/wellbeing guru, it is someone who is in amazing shape and looks better than me, has great energy and vitality. Not someone who looks depleated, worried and sick, which is sometimes the case.

If I were to choose a recruitment partner, I would need someone who is aligned to my values, communicates really well and understands my industry, my needs. The recruiter will always attract candidates at their level of standards.

Is professionalism an old-school, dusty term? I think it is so important to walk our talk and incarnate all that we preach😊


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Photo by Marian Chrzan

#walkthetalk #professionalism #highstandards #misalignment#serviceprovider