How do you restore balance and take care of your energy?
  • 14.07.2023

How do you restore balance and take care of your energy?

How do you restore balance and take care of your energy? I suppose, if you are passionate about your work, it does not feel depleting, but may in fact be energising.

I think it is the accumulation of different responsibilities that may in fact lead to an overload of our system. When we struggle to juggle our private and professional duties with too little time on our hands or too many topics to tend to.

In my opinion drawing a clean line between work and private life is not a valid solution for many of us. We function better when we are more inclusive and less split between work and home, like if we were two different people. In fact, we cannot really shut down an important aspect of ourselves for the sake of another- they simply nurture each other and coexist.

There is also escaping from ourselves into work or into a hobby like extreme or strenuous sports, when we cannot spend time quietly on our own and just be. Then, the system has to be in overdrive most of the time, to make sure we do not have energy for introspection and growth. In this case, the reason for a lack of balance in our life is much deeper than poor calendar management.


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Photo by Marian Chrzan