Reflecting on time and the role it plays in our lives
  • 28.07.2023

Reflecting on time and the role it plays in our lives

Reflecting on time and the role it plays in our lives – sometimes in very direct or evident way, when we are stressed by deadlines, but more often in ambiguous ways, forcing us to ponder on its nature and impact on us.

“Before memory fades” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is a magical read and offers a brand new perspective on time. We are invited to a cafe, where visitors can travel back in time, however, they cannot change the future and they need to come back to present before the coffee gets cold.

Not being able to change the course of events does not stop some determined visitors from travelling back, and in doing so, their perspective of the past is transformed. They gain a new understanding and without changing the history, they are changed on a deep level and can live a more conscious, fuller life.

Gaining a new understanding of past events and our role in them can allow us to thrive in the present moment, enrich our lives, even rewrite our memories. Rather than holding on to one version of the past, one angle, usually negative, and limiting ourselves to that. Or even living in the past, clinging to idealised memories instead of thriving in the now.

I have to end here before the coffee gets cold.


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